Trip Grading
NESKy uses the long established sea grading, originally developed by the SCA Touring Committee, to help guide both Trip Leaders and members on activities which are suitable for their experience.
All club trips are graded, based on distance and paddling conditions. Note that the grading does not indicate the trip will experience these conditions, but participant must be capable of handling the relevant conditions for the period indicated. If you are not sure, please check as it is unfair on other participants if a trip plan is compromised by participants lack of ability. Trips are organised by the person listed in the calendar. They will send an email round before the trip with the details.
Note that Trip Leaders have the ultimate say on participation on club activities they are leading, and there may be circumstances where they elect that due to weather or conditions an activity is not suitable or safe for some members. Please respect their judgement which will always be based on the safety of all concerned.
A: Moderate Water as defined by Paddle Scotland. Participants should be capable of paddling 12 miles per day in up to Force 2/3 wind.
B: more challenging waters may include tidal streams, exposed headlands and open crossings between islands. Participants should be capable of 16 miles per day in up to Force 4 conditions.
C: Participants should be capable of paddling in more difficult conditions than B, for a longer time.
Club Evenings Guidelines
On the water time for evening sessions is 6.30 pm unless otherwise specified. The locations for each Tuesday evening session are on the club summer programme and on the sign up list on the website. There will normally be one or two leaders assigned for each evening. They will make a judgment as to the suitability of the conditions on the night for different paddlers standards. If they decide the conditions are not suitable for particular standards to go out, their judgment must be accepted. Depending on numbers and availability of leaders, those paddling will be split up into manageable groups, which may be by ability. This allows those who need input or encouragement, and those more capable to benefit from the session at their level.
A number of instructional and skills evenings are included on the program. These are designed to take members through their Sea kayak and Coastal Sea Kayaker Personal Paddling Awards. All members are encouraged to work towards these.
Paddle Scotland requires those participating in club events can only take part if they are paid up members of NESKy, or for visiting paddlers, individual members of the Paddle Scotland or can prove membership of another Paddle Scotland affiliated club. Those who cannot prove any of these will be required to pay an Paddle Scotland day membership, presently £5 which will cover them for insurance whilst participating in that club event.
Due to the increasing number of club members it is necessary to operate a slightly more formal management of club sessions than we have done in the past.
Do not go on the water or set off without the agreement of the most senior Leader/Coach present•
Individual group size will be limited via the online booking system, normally a maximum of 8, each with a competent leader for the prevailing conditions. There may be several groups doing the same trip, and groups may meet up/mingle at rest points/breaks.
While on the move it is every members responsibility to remain with their group, or advise the group leader if for any reason you need to leave or transfer to another group.
Challenging conditions: If there are members present who feel the conditions may challenge them, do not feel up to the proposed distance, or would prefer to do a coaching session, then they should discuss this with the leader. Options include
For their needs to be catered for, and them lead/coached by one of the experienced club paddlers, if sufficient leaders / coaches available.
The group plans to be amended such that everyone can participate, if appropriate.
Individuals deciding not to paddle on this occasion (see “personal responsibility”)”.
Ensure that you operate a buddy system in any risky situations, caves, rock hopping, surf etc.
If there are decisions to be made on what is feasible on a particular evening, or when conditions may be considered beyond the capabilities of some of those attending, the decision of the most senior Coach/Leader in attendance must be adhered to.
In the unlikely event there are not enough experienced coaches/Leaders to operate the 1:8 ratio for the numbers attending on a particular evening, the most senior coach/leader present will have the authority to either vary the ratio if it is felt safe, or may need to restrict the numbers on the water that evening. If in this circumstance anyone not included still wants to paddle it will be their own decision, and they will not be considered to be taking part in a club activity.
Personal Responsibility
Your participation in all club activities is on the basis that you are over 18 and responsible for your own safety. As a competent adult paddler you should make your own decisions as part of the group and accept responsibility for them.
You are responsible for judging if any problems you suffer from may affect the safety of yourself and other Group Members. You are strongly advised to share potential medical problems with the Organiser and/or other paddlers but be aware that the responsibility lies with you. If you have any doubts consult a doctor.
In case you are ever taken unwell on a trip you are advised to complete the club Medical card (available on the website) and to carry it in your buoyancy aid at all times.
Environmental Impact
In order to minimise our environmental impact, Nesky encourages members to car share when travelling to club events.

North East Sea Kayakers